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AI Demo Multi Track #9 – Don Henley – Words Can Break Your Heart

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© 2015 Capitol Records

Don Henley’s “Words Can Break Your Heart” is a soft love ballad that is capable of ripping open old wounds. His song with Trisha Yearwood relies on a simple arrangement and a beautifully efficient chorus.

“It only takes a breath or two / To tear your world apart / Sticks and stones may break your bones / But words can break your heart,” Henley sings, with Yearwood harmonizing. It’s not a duet, but the female vocals more than round out the production.

“Cutting words from careless lips / Softly spoken / Oh you can do damage, never scream or shout / Emotions get the best of us / Say things we don’t need / It’s too late to take ‘em back once they’re out,” he adds during the second verse.

The feathery touch of a confident drummer moves the story along as a few guitars (steel and electric) weave around the two vocalists. “Words Can Break Your Heart” is an easily-accessible ballad with a great hook.

Read More: Don Henley & Trisha Yearwood, Words Can Break Your Heart

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