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AI Multi Track Demo #4 – Dire Straits – Tunnel Of Love – 10 Track Stem Mix

Listen to the tracks by operating the mixer. Click on play button to start! You can also mute and solo the tracks as you wish. Enjoy!

«Tunnel of Love» is a song by the British rock band Dire Straits. It appears on the 1980 album Making Movies, and subsequently on the live albums Alchemy önd Live at the BBC and the greatest hits albums Money for Nothing, Sultans of Swing: The Very Best of Dire Straits, and The Best of Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler: Private Investigations. The song was also featured in the 1982 Richard Gere film An Officer and a Gentleman and was included in the film’s accompanying soundtrack album.

The song mentions the Spanish City, a dining and entertainment center in Whitley Bay, England, which, at the time of the song’s release, housed fair rides and other amusements, referenced throughout the song. Cullercoats, an English settlement, is also referenced in the song.

«Tunnel of Love» is one of only three Dire Straits songs in which songwriting is not credited solely to frontman and lead guitarist Mark Knopfler, as the opening instrumental is an arrangement of the «Carousel Waltz» from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel. The other two Dire Straits songs in which Knopfler was not the sole writer are «What’s The Matter Baby?» and «Money for Nothing«.

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