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«Feels Like the First Time» is the debut single by British-American rock band Foreigner. It was written by Mick Jones and released in 1977 from the band’s eponymous debut album. It reached No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Jones also said: «Feels Like The First Time» was written about a bit of a change in my life. I was coming out of a previous marriage with somebody I’d met in France. I’d gone back to England and then finally made the journey to America while I was in the band Spooky Tooth. And to me it was this challenge of really going for a new start in my life. … to me it was signifying a new start. I’d met somebody, I got re-married and moved with her to America, and that was the song that described that experience.»
Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time
Versão Acapella
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Acapella
commenting on 1:07
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Acapella
Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time
Versão Instrumental
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Instrumental
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Instrumental
Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time
Versão cantada
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão cantada
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão cantada
Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time
Versão Bateria
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Bateria
Foreigner - Feels Like The First TimeVersão Bateria