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Teddy Swims – The Door – A.I. Demo #30

«The Door» is a song by American singer-songwriter Teddy Swims. The song was released on September 15, 2023, on his debut studio album I’ve Tried Everything but Therapy (Part 1) as a track. The song was released in April 2024 as the album’s third single.

Background and composition

«The Door» was written by Swims, together with John Ryan, John Sudduth, Sherwyn Nicholls, Joshua Coleman, and Julian Bunetta, with the latter two producing the song. The song was described by Swims as about saving his own life and finding the courage to walk out on an abusive relationship that played a part in driving his friends and family out of his life. He further said: «It was so hard to convince myself of that at the moment, but that’s when my priorities shifted from her to me, to saving myself, to loving myself again. ‘The Door’ is about believing that you’re always going to be okay if you trust in yourself.»

Teddy Swims - The DoorAcapella version
Teddy Swims - The DoorInstrumental version
Teddy Swims - The DoorBasversion
Teddy Swims - The DoorTrumversion
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